Stop by Outsiders Saturday, April 20th for the Wine Walk and our sidewalk sale. Support GRNR LVGS CO and Onward Kitty 🙂
Prom hair style and makeup for $75. Or if you’re looking to add a little something to make you stand out in the crowd, come in for a tinsel or peacock feather to match your dress for the night! ($10)
Outsiders is teaming up with Sidlab Hair Couture the evening of April 16th for an exclusive in salon hair show featuring Mara Hutchins and Mark David as Platform Hair Designers. Trend cutting, styling and product knowledge as well as snacks/drinks. This event is open to all professional stylists. Email with interests. 🙂
Outsiders will be participating in Our first Wine Walk April 20th!
Outsiders and Miss Mash Homemade Ice Cream will be teaming up once again for May 4th Dine the District in the Riverwalk. Please join us for the debut of a new odd and delicious flavor.
Our monthly Dapper Club now offers a hot towel- peppermint and lemon!!
We are bringing back our “Try Me” gift cards! $75 for a cut, color, deep conditioning, style and makeup. New clients only please 🙂